STRV Android Team2 min

90+ Android Development Tools & Resources

Inside STRVEngineeringFeb 7, 2020

Inside STRVEngineering


Feb 7, 2020

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For those curious about how we do things and where we source our knowledge from, we present STRV's top Android resources.

From our Tech and Testing Stack to Code Quality and Dev Tools, Android Studio Plugins, Courses, Newsletters, Podcasts… it’s all summed up here.


Tech Stack

Android Jetpack - A suite of libraries, tools and guidance

Bitrise - Cross-platform mobile continuous integration and delivery

CircleCI - Cloud-native continuous integration

Dagger - A fast dependency injector

Firebase - A comprehensive mobile development platform offering real-time database, analytics, crash tracking, ML and more

Glide - An image loading and caching library

Google APIs for Android - Google services

Gradle - Build-automation system

Java - Programming language

Koin - A pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin

Kotlin - Programming language

Kotlin Coroutines - A concurrency design pattern

KTX - Android Kotlin extensions

LeakCanary - Memory leak detection library

Lottie - Easily add high-quality animation to any native app

Moshi - A modern JSON library for Kotlin and Java

OkHttp - An HTTP client for Android, Kotlin and Java

Retrofit - Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java

RxAndroid - RxJava bindings for Android

RxJava - Reactive Extensions for the JVM

RxKotlin - Kotlin extensions for RxJava


Espresso - Concise, beautiful and reliable Android UI tests

JUnit - Foundation for launching testing frameworks on the JVM

Mockito - Mocking framework for writing tests with clean and simple API

MockK - Mocking library for Kotlin

Code Quality Tools

Danger - Automatic code review tool

Detekt - Kotlin lint and static code analysis

Ktlint - An anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with built-in formatter

Dev Tools

Android Arsenal - Android developer portal with tools, libraries and apps

Android Asset Studio - A collection of tools to easily generate assets

Android Studio - Official Android IDE

Flipper - Extensible mobile app debugger

Charles - HTTP proxy and monitor that enables a developer to view all the traffic

Insomnia - Debug APIs like a human, not a robot

Postman - API development environment

Scrcpy - Provides display and control of Android devices connected on USB

Slides Code Highlighter - Code highlighter useful for talks preparation

Stetho - A debug bridge for viewing the contents of your sqlite database and shared preferences in Android applications

Vysor - Puts your Android on your desktop

Android Studio Plugins

ADB Idea - Adds some ADB commands to Android Studio

Code Glance - Embeds a scrolling code minimap

Markdown support - Provides the capability to edit and view Markdown files


Google Design Resources

Material Design Icons Icons


Android Weekly

Kotlin Weekly

Blogs & News

Android Developers Blog

Android Developers Medium

Pro Android Dev

Reddit AndroidDev

Reddit FlutterDev


Android Developers Backstage


Soft Skills Engineering

Talking Kotlin


Clean Code by Robert C. Martin

CommonsWare’s Books by CommonsWare

Effective Java by Joshua Bloch

Effective Kotlin by Marcin Moskala

Kotlin in Action by Svetlana Isakova, Dmitry Jemerov


Android Developers Courses



Adam Powell

Andrey Breslav

Android Studio


Antonio Leiva

Colt McAnlis

Cyril Mottier

Dave Burke

Erik Hellman

Florina Muntenescu

Hadi Hariri

Chet Haase

Chiu-Ki Chan

Chris Banes

Christina Lee

Ian Lake

Jake Wharton

Jeroen Mols

Joe Birch

Jose Alcérreca

Nick Butcher

Rebecca Franks

Reto Meier

Romain Guy

Roman Elizarov

Roman Nurik

Tor Norbye

Yigit Boyar

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