Martin Stava, STRV's technical co-founder, at Developer Meetup
Developer Meetup: Backend Workshop
So far, we have organized two events. The first one was focused on leveraging BAAS (backend as a service) tools like Firebase with a little bit of Node.js script for support. We invited a lot of iOS and Android developers. The goal was to help them to become full-stack developers capable of developing an entire app by themselves without the need of a backend engineer.
Check out the photo gallery from this meetup on Facebook.
We have posted recordings from recent meetups, so even if you couldn't join us, you can check out what our developers and guests shared below.
*Milan Manasievski - Hello World* *Martin Stava - Go to Cloud* *Milan Manasievski - Input, Output & Firebase* *Dominik Vesely - Firebase Intro* *Vojta Stavik - Firebase on iOS*
Developer Meetup: Advanced Swift Workshop
The other event we organized was focused on the advanced use of Swift as well as some techniques that were quite hidden, like scripting in Swift. At STRV, we try to adopt the latest technology as fast as we can, which was one of the reasons why we started using Swift pretty much as soon as it was publish last year.
Check out the photo gallery from this meetup on Facebook.
*Daniel Ondruj - Closures - [Additional Resources](* *Martin Stava - Map, Reduce, Filter - [Additional Resources](* *Dominik Vesely - Protocol Oriented Programming - [Additional Resources](* *Milan Manasievski - Error Handling - [Additional Resources](* *Vojta Stavik - Scripting in Swift - [Additional Resources](*
The next meetup is being prepared and will focus on Android. Stay tuned!