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Essentials of STRV Academy, Class of 2017

ProductCommunityJun 2, 2017



Jun 2, 2017

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What do Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg and Steve Jobs have in common? Yeah, you're right! They all started their careers as interns! A lot of us at STRV started off the same way they did and worked hard to become the experts we are today. There are some points in your career when you need a little bit of help – to have someone at least show you the way and help you to improve your skills as fast as you can.

That was the reason why we decided to launch STRV Academy last year. It was an awesome summer well spent with 24 young talents – full of learning, fun, mentoring and new friendships. And this year? We’ve collected feedback, rebuilt the concept and hey – now we are back! The class of 2017 is open and awaiting your applications!

As we mentioned above, the Academy concept has changed since last year. So what's in store for 2017? First of all, participants have to pick the platform they would like to focus on. We offer four development tracks – Android, iOS, Frontend and Backend – as well as one track for designers.

Depending on what is chosen, students will be divided into groups, with platform lectures every week. Our tech and design leaders have prepared special educational tracks, which will guide participants from the very basics of each platform to a solid foundation you can build on. The lectures will be hands-on, including small tasks and challenges throughout the summer – just like real school.

Nevertheless, don't expect a boring “back-to-school” experience. The educational tracks will be hands-on, fully focused on real experience and day-to-day improvement.

We understand that the tech world can sometimes be tricky, and it is important to have somebody you can talk tech and design stuff with. At the Academy, students will also have their own mentor who will help guide them toward graduation. From day one, they will be working side-by-side with their STRV mentors and colleagues at our Karlin office.

A number of different workshops focused on soft skills will also be offered to help round out the professional knowledge students will gain. The goal is to also transfer the experience of disciplines related to software development, such as QA, Product Management, Project Presentation and Negotiating with the Client and Team Cooperation. On the top of that, social events, sports and STRV life will be also a part of the summer Academy life.

At the end of the program, participants will present their work. Those who show the most promise have the chance to win a contract to work at STRV. A truly invaluable prize.

The semester will begin in July. It costs nothing to attend.

We are looking mainly for junior developers and designers who know the essential basics of programming or design but don’t yet have a lot of work experience. Among the key things we will be looking for in candidates are the passion for tech, motivation to become a part of our team and an eagerness to learn fast. While it is mainly open to post-secondary school students and young professionals, high schoolers who believe they have extraordinary coding abilities are also encouraged to apply. It’s easy, just fill out the form on our website.

The Academy will be based in Prague, and it is necessary to attend the workshops in person in our Prague office.


  • June 11 - Final registration deadline
  • June - Candidate interviews
  • July 10 - Semester starts & social evening!
  • 4th week of September - Presentations & Graduation ceremony

To get more details about the course, as well as answers to some of your other questions please visit We will be updating our FAQs page frequently.

To STRV Academy website>

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