Jozef Cipa9 min

Keeping Track of Database Changes & When It Can Be Useful

EngineeringSep 28, 2022



Sep 28, 2022

Jozef CipaBackend Engineer

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My task was simple: We had a Postgres database and a data science team that needed to consume changes from the database to update their internal datasets. But how on earth would I do that? Luckily, my colleagues brought some light into this mysterious database world — but I still had (wanted) to read up on it to better understand and make sure I did it right.

Today, almost every application needs some place to store data. Most of the time, this place is a database and it often plays a crucial role in the whole system. There are many different databases available, each designed for a specific purpose. They can be hosted locally on a computer, somewhere in a data center or in a cloud — so-called managed database instances. These are especially useful when we don’t want to take care of maintenance, data durability and availability.

The other big benefit of managed databases is scalability. This is very important when an application starts getting users. As engineers, we have to make sure that it will withstand the incoming traffic. There are multiple techniques to achieve this very complex and difficult task. When the database begins to run out of resources due to a lack of free memory (RAM), overutilized CPU or reaching a storage limit, some action is necessary. The easiest solution is raising the resource limits, like providing more RAM, better CPU or more disk space. This is known as vertical scaling; you just add more resources to a single (database) machine.

However, this is not sustainable in the long term because, sooner or later, the database might hit its limits again, and further scaling could become very expensive or even physically impossible. That’s where horizontal scaling comes into play. Instead of increasing the physical parameters of a single machine, we add multiple smaller machines that can split the load.

In some scenarios where too much data is being stored, sharding — data partitioned among several databases — might come in handy, but this is out of the scope of this article.

Another important concept is replication, which is key in ensuring data persistence. It also helps with offloading the main database server by introducing a read replica that is used for reading queries.

This is what we will focus on in this article: a very high-level description of how replication works, the various types of replication and how we can leverage them.

What Is Replication?

“…sharing information so as to ensure consistency between redundant resources, such as software or hardware components, to improve reliability, fault-tolerance, or accessibility…” - Wikipedia

As we can see, replication is an essential and commonly used method. In short, it’s supposed to help keep your application available to users. It does so by copying data into multiple machines so an application can continue working seamlessly if the main database becomes unavailable.

There are many ways to achieve this, from low-level solutions like sharing a disk or a network file system across machines, to shipping WAL logs (we'll talk about WAL later), having an SQL middleware that intercepts all queries and sends them to other servers, logical replication and more.

Note: It’s important to keep in mind that there are plenty of different databases, some designed for very specific use cases; therefore, not everything we mention can be applied to all of them. In this article, we are using Postgres 13, a powerful, widely-used relational database that’s most common.

Logical Replication

While disk-based (AKA physical) methods work on a binary level — the exact block addresses are sent over directly (byte-by-byte replication) — logical replication works with tables rather than raw database data. It replicates data objects and their changes based on their replication identity (usually a primary key).

It has many use cases, such as:

  • replicating data between different major versions of PostgreSQL or different platforms (e.g., Linux to Windows)
  • grouping multiple databases into one (e.g., for analytics)
  • sharing a subset of the database with other users or systems
  • distributing database changes to subscribers in real-time

However, it’s important to note that it only supports DML operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE); schema changes will not be replicated and the schema itself must be identified and defined beforehand.

It uses a publisher/subscriber model which can be used as follows:


The publication is defined on a primary database and represents a set of changes generated from a table or multiple tables.

Then, on the secondary (replica) database, you would create a subscription that specifies the connection to the main database and the set of publications to subscribe to.

CREATE SUBSCRIPTION sub CONNECTION 'host= port=5432 user=foo dbname=bar password=xyz123' PUBLICATION pub

This way, we can configure logical replication between two databases.

Logical Decoding

Logical decoding is very similar to logical replication, but it provides an option to consume the changes to a database’s tables to external consumers. This could be a different kind of database, a business application, auditing software, etc.

The data is stored using replication slots. A slot represents a stream of changes that can be replayed to a client in the order they were made on the origin server. You can think of it as an ordered list where a database pushes the changes and a consuming application on the other side reads those changes. Usually, there should be a separate replication slot for each consumer, as the changes are wiped after reading(!).

The output format is defined by a plugin that you can set. Several available plugins can process the WAL log and print out the results in a format that is desired and processable by a consumer application.

There are two options for consuming the changes:

  • using special SQL functions for retrieving data, such as pg_logical_slot_get_changes()
  • using a streaming protocol to get real-time events of database changes; this can be achieved by using pg_recvlogical utility

Write-ahead Log (WAL)

So, what the heck is this WAL, anyway?

In the Postgres database, all changes to data files must be recorded in the log file before they are written to the database. Only after this is a transaction deemed as committed (asynchronous commit). This is a standard method for ensuring data integrity and durability in the event of a database crash, for example; all changes can be reapplied to the database using the log.

Following this procedure, the database doesn’t need to flush data pages to disk on every transaction commit — which also improves the speed of transactions, as explained in the Postgres docs:

“Using WAL results in a significantly reduced number of disk writes because only the log file needs to be flushed to disk to guarantee that a transaction is committed, rather than every data file changed by the transaction. The log file is written sequentially, so the cost of syncing the log is much less than the cost of flushing the data pages.”

Now that we talked about what the WAL is, you can get a better idea of how the replication process works. As the database keeps these log files, they can just be sent to another machine and applied there.

Configuring the Database

As explained in the beginning, we needed to configure a third-party service to consume updates from the main database. Therefore, we had to use logical decoding that allows us to create a replication slot with a given output formatting plugin and consume the changes. We used the popular plugin wal2json, which takes the WAL records and converts them into a JSON format, making them easily processable by third-party applications.

In order to do this, we first needed to grant replication permissions to the database user. As we were using an RDS instance in AWS, the command looked like this:

GRANT rds_replication TO myuser

After that, we needed to configure some Postgres parameters so the replication could start. Normally, we’d look for a config file like postgresql.conf — but since we were on a managed database, we used the so-called Parameter Group where we could easily configure all the necessary values in the UI.

  • rds.logical_replication1 This is the first parameter that has to be set to 1 in order to enable logical replication
  • wal_level ⇒ This has to be set to logical but it is handled automatically by AWS once you enable rds.logical_replication (read more)
  • max_slot_wal_keep_size20000 This value specifies how much data can be stored in a replication slot before it starts recycling the memory. It is specified in MB. Consider your database use case and the amount of data written, then set a proper value. If the number is too low and your database writes a lot of changes, the slot might get recycled too soon — and if you don’t read all the changes before the databases (or third-party system) get out of sync, you will need to do a full sync again! This is something that you need to test and establish the best value for your needs. Important to mention: This value is set to -1 by default(!), which means unlimited storage size. If you’re not careful, your slot might end up taking up all the available free storage on the database, resulting in database unavailability as it runs out of memory. Find out more.

Beware: These changes will require a database restart!

And that’s all that needs to be configured to have logical decoding work in Postgres. Naturally, there are many more parameters that can be set to adjust this behavior, but we were okay with their default values for the time being.

Other interesting parameters that I was looking at were max_replication_slots and max_wal_senders. But, eventually, we didn’t need to change them and the default values sufficed.

One more thing that is crucial to keep in mind is that slots keep data until it’s read by a consumer. Once the data is read, it is automatically deleted from the slot. So if you don’t use a replication slot (anymore), it should be dropped; otherwise, there will be unnecessary data piling up and filling the storage!

There is even a warning in the official docs.

“Replication slots persist across crashes and know nothing about the state of their consumer(s). They will prevent removal of required resources even when there is no connection using them. This consumes storage because neither required WAL nor required rows from the system catalogs can be removed by VACUUMas long as they are required by a replication slot. In extreme cases this could cause the database to shut down to prevent transaction ID wraparound (see Section 25.1.5). So if a slot is no longer required it should be dropped.”

Note: If you want to learn more about the specific Postgres configuration parameters, I really recommend or the official Postgres docs which are very well written and their explanation of the various concepts are easy to read and understand.

Consuming Changes

Now that we’ve got our database configured properly, we can finally start consuming database changes. To do so, we need to create a replication slot first. We can do that by calling a function pg_create_logical_replication_slot.

SELECT * FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('my_replication_slot', 'wal2json')

This will create a replication slot with the name my_replication_slot and set wal2json as the output formatting plugin.

To verify that the slot was created, we can send a simple SQL query.

SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_replication_slots

Note: To use wal2json plugin, you might need to install it into your database first. However, if you use AWS RDS (or maybe other cloud providers as well), the plugin is already installed and ready, even if it’s not showing in the pg_extension table.

Now that we have the slot created, let’s see how it looks.

Let’s try to do a simple INSERT query:

INSERT INTO users (id, email, role, name)
	'John Wick'

Now, we can take a peek at what has been logged by calling

SELECT * FROM pg_logical_slot_peek_changes('my_replication_slot', NULL, NULL, 'include-xids', '0')

which will return our inserted data.

				"character varying(255)",
				"character varying(255)",
				"character varying(255)"
				"John Wick"

Peeking is good for testing to see if everything works and the changes are propagating. But in a real scenario, we would use a different function:

SELECT * FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('my_replication_slot', NULL, NULL, 'include-xids', '0')

The difference here is that, as mentioned, changes are deleted from the slot once the consumer reads them — so this function is the one you will want to use. Now, if you try to run the same query again, you will notice there are no results, meaning that everything worked as expected.

You can now simply connect your consumer application to the database and start processing all changes.

If we don’t need the slot anymore, we can just drop it.

SELECT * FROM pg_drop_replication_slot('my_replication_slot')


We’ve learned what replication is, that there are many techniques to achieve it and that it can be used not only for keeping data in sync between databases but also with third-party systems.

We dove a little into the internals of how databases store all the changes in a specific log file (WAL) and that this log file can also be used for logical decoding which, with a set of various output plugins, creates a very powerful tool for data visibility.

Now we know how this decoding works and that it’s important to read the docs properly (or get advice from an experienced colleague) and investigate which parameters should be set in order not to get surprised by an unresponsive database due to a lack of memory. Moreover, having monitoring in place and visibility over what’s going on is always more than desired.

I would like to thank my colleagues Honza and Jozef, who helped me understand the details and provided some useful tips and insights.

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