Michal Krajsa1 min

STRV ranks in the Top 20 of FT 1000 list

ProductJun 23, 2018



Jun 23, 2018

Michal KrajsaMarketing Manager

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We’re an official member of the FT 1000 club! Following an extensive study, the Financial Times ranked us among the Top 20 fastest-growing companies in Europe. We were one of just 155 technology companies across 31 countries to make the 2018 list and one of three to make the Top 20.

“The ranking underscores the value we place on developing high-quality mobile and web software products to our clients, which is why we are one of the leading software design and engineering companies on the market today,” said STRV Co-founder & CEO Lubo Smid.

FT 1000, compiled with the help of Statista, ranks the top 1,000 companies in Europe with the highest annual revenue growth rate between 2013 and 2016.

We are thrilled to be part of such a distinguished group of forward-thinking companies.

See the whole list >

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