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Demo Day for STRV Academy

CommunityEventsOct 12, 2016



Oct 12, 2016

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Class is over!

STRV Academy has come to an end — and we couldn’t be more wowed by all the killer work our 24 participants churned out over the past three months. Their projects were amazing! So much so that our Demo Day judges had a tough time passing out awards on September 30.

Eight product-focused projects were presented, and the jury — comprised of Michal Ptacek (CzechCrunch), Dan Hejl (Product Board), Jakub Plas (Ordr), Pavel Zeifart (STRV) and Matej Matolin (LovecHlav) — handed out awards to the top three.

Coming in first place was Shyfts, an app for scheduling and managing work shifts, created by Jakub Nespor and Pavel Prichodko. Second place was awarded to e-NABLE World, a platform that connects manufactures of 3D prosthetic hands and people who need them, created by John Roose, Josef Korbel and Tomas Michalek. Third place went to Tykef, an online market for farmers and local producers, created by Lea Petrasova, Sabina Butina and Martin Bartosek.

Jan Nejtek, Zdenek Ornst and Lukas Novak, meanwhile, took home a special prize for “Best Presentation” for DOG-iN, a social platform designed especially for pooches. YouthSpeak Survey, an app that collects opinions about the future of the global YouthSpeak movement, created by Anna Gerasymenko, Filip Bodnar and Jakub Snorbert, scooped up the evening’s “Social Impact” award.

Those who actively participated in the whole three-month program, cooperated with STRV mentors and their fellow team members were awarded with “Approved by STRV” certificates during a graduation ceremony.

We have already hired three of our Academy “students,” and three others may join our team after they finish their university studies. We can hardly wait!!

We launched STRV Academy in an effort to build the next generation of rock star coders and designers. After receiving 150 applications, we picked 24 of the most promising junior developers and designers who would develop and design their own projects over the course of three months under guidance of STRV mentors.

Starting at the beginning of July, Academy participants attended a number of soft skill and technical workshops as well as social mixers, because — hey — everyone needs time to chill! Their projects were regularly reviewed and evaluated by STRV’s dedicated developers and designers.

The program was free and mainly focused on post-secondary school students and young professionals at the start of their tech careers.

We are hoping to bring on a new group of dynamic IT enthusiasts next summer. For more information about when we will be accepting applications for STRV Academy 2017, follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our newsletter.

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