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Everything you need to know about the STRV Academy

CommunityProductMay 10, 2016



May 10, 2016

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Nobody starts out being great. All of us at STRV started somewhere and worked hard to become the experts we are today. Some of us found this growth was accelerated particularly when there was someone to show us the way. To this end, we have launched STRV Academy.

With this new program, we are looking to guide the next generation of rock star coders and designers. Over a three-month period our STRV experts will harness the fresh talent of promising junior developers and designers and guide their skills while working on a selection of projects.

Participants shouldn’t expect to waste away in a classroom though. From day one they will be working side-by-side with their STRV mentors and colleagues at our expansive new Karlin office.

“STRV’s tech stack is pretty deep, so participants will get a chance work with platforms such as Android, iOS, and various Web tech. Using the latest tools and hearing about the latest techniques from our teams will really allow participants to flex their digital muscles,” says Teresa Caklova, program manager for STRV Academy.

Workshops, social events and soft skill classes will also be offered to help round out the professional knowledge students will gain.

At the end of the program, participants will present their work. Those who show the most promise have the chance to win a contract to work at STRV. A truly invaluable prize.

Our first semester will begin in July, with many more to follow. It costs nothing to attend. While it is mainly open to post-secondary school students and young professionals, high schoolers who believe they have extraordinary coding abilities are also encouraged to apply. It’s easy, just fill out the form on our website.

The Academy will be based in Prague, but since we do have offices in Brno, there is a possibility to study from there as well. If you're interested in this option, let us know while filling in the form, and we will take care of everything on a case-by-case basis.


  • June 1st - Final registration deadline
  • June - Candidate interviews
  • 1st week of July - Semester starts & social mix
  • 4th week of September - Demo Day & graduation ceremony

To get more details about the course, as well as answers to some of your other questions please visit We will be updating our FAQs page frequently.

[Register here!](we will be updating our FAQs page frequently)

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