Breno Valadão1 min

Swiftly Highlights: A Bit More of Vision Pro & New APIs

EngineeringAug 7, 2023



Aug 7, 2023

Breno ValadãoSenior iOS Engineer

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Two months since the big announcement and as expected, we’re slowly getting to know more about Vision Pro — like Apple sharing how to take your apps and games beyond the visionOS simulator, with info about the SDK, applying for the developer kit and more.

We have several APIs and tools for building our apps in the Apple development environment, including tools for building safe experiences for families and children — a great read by Apple about its capabilities and everything we need to know regarding this safety topic.

SwiftUI & Swift

This month, our Swift open-source community got a nice announcement about Swift HTTP Types as an open-source package — which will allow us to leverage our apps’ networking layer and our backend server, given it'll integrate with Foundation and SwiftNIO.

With the new Xcode 15, we were introduced to several updates on SwiftUI data flow management. We recommend two articles from Donny Wals: SwiftUI’s Bindable property wrapper explained and all about the difference between @Binding and @Bindable.

SwiftUI 5 will provide us developers with notable improvements and new features for SwiftUI ScrollView, such as, `​​contentMargins`, `scrollClipDisable`, `scrollPosition` and others. A solid summary with examples can be found here: Deep Dive into the New Features of ScrollView in SwiftUI 5. Want to go even further? Check Mastering ScrollView in SwiftUI. Transitions.

If you’ve heard about Macro but aren’t sure how to use it, we’ve got a good starting point for you: How to Use the New SwiftUI Preview Macro, which lets you see the basics and provides step-by-step instructions on how to use it.

Wrapping It Up

With its new version (15), Xcode is leveraging OSLog with a more optimized logging structure — more on that here: OSLog and Unified logging as recommended by Apple.

To close today's article, we suggest reading about modularizing existing iOS projects using Swift Package, complete with a nice explanation and examples.

Hope you enjoyed this month’s content. See you next time!

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