Petr Ferschmann, the chief exec at Dativery and all-around Cloud computing guru, gave a special presentation on Lambda, while STRV backend star Robert Rossmann covered the ins and outs of logging in Node.js.
Petr called Lambda, an event-driven serverless computing platform introduced by Amazon three years ago, “easy to use and very scalable without any extra effort.”
“Today we need more and more reliable hosting of our software. We started to use DevOps — connecting Developers with Operations. But we want to lower the costs of managing our infrastructure,” Petra explained. “And it is hard to hire good developers. We can use Platform as a Services. The provider will take care of running the service, and we will only develop our beloved app.”
Robert followed Petr, giving our Brno and Prague audiences a crash course in how logging can help developers troubleshoot issues and spot problem.
It may not be very sexy, Robert conceded, but “it's very important to do it right, otherwise you may end up having no insight into what your backend is up to or why a particular bug keeps occurring.” And really, who wants to deal with that headache?
“Devs should be interested in logging because without logging (or with bad logging) you end up with either too little information to identify and solve a problem or with so much log data that it's impossible to get anything useful out of them,” Robert said. “Ultimately, you stop paying attention to these things, losing your grip on your backend's performance and/or stability.”
Missed all the fun? No worries, we recorded the Prague meetup for those of you who couldn’t make it. Check out the videos and presentations below:
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We also took a ton of pictures! Browse our gallery for pics from Prague here and from Brno here, and make sure to tag yourself!
We will be hosting another special ReactiveMeetup in Prague on April 19. Juho Vepsäläinen will be giving a talk about Wedpack, a powerful tool all web developers should have in their arsenals. Juho, the force behind and SurviveJS, will be discussing, among other things, bundle and code splitting, improving the overall development experience and optimizing production builds.
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