Luca D'Alberti’s opening presentation went over the basics of dependency injection, a useful software programming pattern that’s been growing in popularity due to its stellar ability to provide easy-to-maintain reusable and testable code. Luca showed the crowd how to rewrite a working app using this pattern.
“The most important benefit is that dependency injection allows developers to reuse code even in completely different projects. It also makes writing tests easier,” Luca explained.
Kuba Vodak was up next with a lively discussion about how flow controllers are the real BFFs of the development world.
“This approach makes your code cleaner, more readable and testable and prevents bugs from popping up,” said Kuba, who just recently started schooling himself on flow controllers and now can’t get enough of these precious little dev gems.
Wrapping things up, Dan Ondruj delivered a crash course on the three most common architectures used in iOS app development — MVC, MVVM and VIPER.
“Having good application design is important if you want to keep the project scalable, maintainable, modularized and easily testable,” Dan said. “Not to mention, good design also makes it easier for new members of the team to hit the ground running.”
To demonstrate his point, Dan created three different versions of a simple app using MVC, MVVM and VIPER and then went over the code in each version to evaluate their pros and cons.
“I was really excited about this meetup, because the topics attracted sizable crowds in both Brno and Prague,” Dan said. “Everyone looked interested, and we also received very good feedback from them right after the meetups and during the after parties. I recognized a lot of familiar faces, so it looks like we’re doing a good job keeping the community linked to STRV.”
We recorded the Prague meetup for those of you who couldn’t make it. Check out the presentations here:
And videos here:
We took a ton of pictures too! Make sure to tag yourself in the gallery here.
Our next Dev Meetup is coming up fast. We will be sharing Android tips and tricks in Brno on February 28 and in Prague on March 2. Our developers will also be taking on SOLID principles and Android Wear 2.0. Don’t miss out! Sign up on Eventbrite today. For more details follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our newsletter.